In Her Own Words: I Felt for the First Time in My Life, The Feeling of Being Home

Epiphany Center alumnae reach out to let us know the impact our programs had on their and their little ones’ lives. Susie, who benefitted from our services beginning in 2013, emailed us recently and shared how our programs and staff helped give her a solid foundation to build a brighter future.

My name is Susie. My son and I were clients at Epiphany Center from 2013-2016. This agency gave my son and me a great foundation and a fighting chance. At Epiphany Center, I felt, for the first time in my life, the feeling of being home, the feeling of safety and stability.

I am so happy that I can give back to a place and an agency that was my foundation for my new life. My son and I are forever grateful to the Daughters of Charity, Ladies of Charity, the Parent-Child Center and Residential Recovery Program, and all the staff who work together to keep the agency striving. As we become more economically empowered, we will continue to give back to the place where it all started.


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Summer FOCUS 2021